Die Weinhandlung Hardy wir 50.

Kaum zu glauben und doch ist es wahr. Vor genau 50 Jahren - im Mai 1974 - habe ich als kleiner Steppke einen für mich damals riesig erscheinenden Blumentopf zur Eröffnung in die Weinhandlung geschleppt und meinem Vater „Hardy“ geschenkt. Nach einigen Umzügen in Berlin-Schmargendorf, ist die Weinhandlung Hardy nun seit langem in Berlin-Dahlem beheimatet.
Im ganzen Monat Mai gibt es 50 Weine zu Aktionspreisen.
Am Freitag den 31. Mai und Sonnabend den 1. Juni laden wir zu unserer Hausmesse zum 50. Jubiläum ein. Einige Winzer werden auch mit dabei sein und Ihre Weine persönlich vorstellen.


... at Weinhandlung Hardy Berlin on the internet.

Wine is our thing and we always try to find something thrilling for your taste buds. Small, decent and trustworthy wines that reflect their origin. As industrialisation is quite present in the wine production with wines without character and flavours, our selection is always changing to show the skills of traditional and modern but down to earth winemakers.

With hundreds and thousands of wine tastings - and many more tasted wines - we have discovered a lot, learned from winemakers and our quality standards got more and more demanding.

We want you to enjoy our selection. Discover exciting and individual wines with lots of character.

Online Shop

Specially selected wines and rare bottles are waiting for you.
You will find all the products that we carry as well in our wine shop in Berlin. The wines are mainly from Europe - from well known wine regions and some lesser know ones. Get inspired and taste.

Choose a category on the left of the screen.

Have fun while looking through our selection and get your taste buds curious.

Ihre Weinhandlung Hardy.

Old and Rare Bottles

Fine Wine and old vintages starting with 1900.

As a special treat for birthdays and other anniversaries we carry wines and spirits from over 100 different vintages. In various categories and price ranges we send your bottles off as a gift with your personal message.

Jubilee und Birthdays in 2022:
2012, 2002, 1997, 1992, 1982, 1972, 1962 1952, 1947, 1942, 1932